With retreedo, you reduce your CO2 footprint.

And at the same time, you contribute to sustainable greening of our planet.


We have already planted trees.
And more are added every day.


Euros you have already invested.
And you are unstoppable.

Mit Klimaschutzmaßnahmen von retreedo reduzierst Du Deinen CO2 Abdruck
Mit kleinsten Beträgen die Welt grüner machen

How does retreedo work?

Climate protection made easy with just a click.

With retreedo, you can offset your carbon footprint in the simplest way possible. Just choose a suitable category and purchase a carbon offset package. With just three clicks, you make an active contribution to climate protection and a sustainable future. Not just for you. For all of us.

Everyone can protect the climate!

And with retreedo, you can do it from anywhere.

With your personal CO2 offset package, you invest in planting new trees that serve as natural CO2 sinks. Climate protection is that simple. Anytime. From anywhere. With retreedo.

Your support

We show you the numbers. 100% Transparent.

Loading... in the current year
0€ last year

You want to support us as a sponsor? Then click here.

Where we are currently active

In these countries we plant CO2 sinks.


Which activity would you like to offset?

Not just for you. For all of us.

retreedo auf Social Media

How you can support us

We need you to continue to grow.

Follow us on our social media channels and share our content. This increases our reach and supports the growth of our community. Be a part of retreedo - together into a greener future!

retreedo Social Media

Follow us on Instagram.

Our promise and our mission.

So that retreedo remains your first choice.

Wir investieren in unseren Planeten

100% Investment

And it will always stay that way.

Wir sind transparent

100% Transparency

In all areas. At all levels.

©2024 retreedo - All rights reserved.

retreedo hosted klimaneutral.